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Helpful Information for Parents and Students


gms students

Whether you are new to GMS or a returning student, please utilize available resources for both students and parents. Feel free to contact us if you cannot find the information you need. Our parents and staff all work together for the benefit of the Grassland students. The GMS PTO is a vibrant and active force that supports our school immeasurably in every facet of the school community. Grassland is such a great school because the parents, staff, and students work together as a community and family.

We welcome you!

Who do I Contact? It is recommended that you follow the Order of Contacts below when faced with questions or concerns

1. Classroom Teacher

2. School Principal

3. Executive Director of Elementary Schools

4. Assistant Superintendent

5. Superintendent

6. Your family's School Board Representative

Communication in Williamson County Schools

Parent and Student Informational Tools

Whether you have been part of our family or are new to GMS, below are lists of resources for both students and parents to utilize. If you cannot find what you need, use the Search box at the bottom of any page or in our school website menu at the top, or contact us for assistance.

students in the hallway

New to GMS?

Check out the following list of helpful resources and documents for new students attending GMS. 

Student Resources

Quick Links

Looking for news and event happenings at GMS? Visit some of our most popular pages to find what you need