School Counseling
Counseling at Grassland Middle School
The GMS Counseling department is available to assist students with a variety of academic, social and emotional needs as they navigate middle school.
Vision Statement
All students will be prepared to enter and succeed in the 21st century workplace.
Mission Statement
The school counseling program in partnership with the Grassland community stakeholders will take a proactive, facilitative role in fostering student learning and growth of ALL students in the concepts of academic, career, and personal and social development into regular classroom activities and in other activities throughout the school with the goal of developing lifelong learners. The School Counselors will be committed to the following:
• Assist students as they gain knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes that lead to a self-sufficient, socially responsible life
• Assist students in overcoming problems that are impeding their educational, personal, social, or career development
• Help to identify the student’s competencies and assisting them to develop new competencies
• Encourage and facilitate parent involvement in their child's growth and development both at school and at home
• Be an integral part of the overall education program at Grassland Middle School
STARS at GMS offers:
Individual Support– In my office, I provide a safe and confidential* environment for students to disclose personal challenges they are facing. Students can make appointments to speak to me during non-academic times.
Support Groups- I offer education and support in group sessions where students are able to bridge the gap between information and application through group exercises and conversations.
Stress Management-Group focus is learning healthy ways to cope with stress
Transitioning Families-Group focus is support for students as their families go through transition (divorce or separation)
Connecting-Group focus is navigating the everyday choices of being a teenager (dealing with conflict, emotions, communication, decision-making)
Crisis Support – The STARS Specialist is available to support students in times of crisis by meeting with the student and/or family and setting up resources for intervention. I work in collaboration with the guidance team and school social workers to provide families with resources if needed.
Prevention Activities: STARS hosts prevention activities educating the student body on diverse topics and sponsors the STARS Leadership Team.
Who can refer?
Students can be referred to STARS by teachers, parents, administrators, and friends and by self- referral. If you feel that your student would benefit from STARS services you may contact me at 472-4500, ext.6609. All referrals are confidential unless otherwise specified.
6th Grade School Counselor for last names (L-Z)
All of 7th Grade
(615) 472-4506
6th Grade School Counselor for last names (A-K)
All of 8th Grade
(615) 472-4508
School Wide Counselor
(615) 472-4513
504 Coordinator
STARS Counselor